
Definitely not.

Especially if you yourself are unwilling to put effort into your communication with me – to write a coherent question for me to address and to provide me with the technical information necessary to help.

Really, I’d like to, but there are just too many of you.

Okay, maybe, in some cases, I’ll secretly help you, but if I do, please do not tell anybody that I did.

I do not offer free technical support because I have a family to feed and far too many people are happy to take all the free support they can. If I spent my time helping such people individually, future Plucky would definitely suffer, as would my family.

To solve technical problems with Plucky, you either need to subscribe, figure it out yourself, perhaps with help from, or use .

The only exception to this is if you are reporting a bypass as I accept bypass reports from anybody and investigate them ASAP.

As a final note, if you would like to have many colorful people around the world pounding on your electronic door with torches in hand, asking for or demanding help while also refusing to do anything for you, put a product on the Internet and allow anybody to download it. You’ll soon experience the soul-crushing wonders of the overconnection made possible by the Internet.